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learn, explore & connect

Join other wise women
in art and meditation
and feel more grounded,
vibrant,and aligned
than ever before. 

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Are you caught in the daily grind?

Have you lost touch with yourself? 

Wondering if this is all there is? 

You’re not alone. The endless demands, juggling a career, managing a household, & caring for others, can leave you drained and disconnected from yourself.


Taking care of you is last on the list.


Life's pressures can feel insane. All of this makes it really hard to find what you long for: space for your own peace, space to feel fulfilled, and space for you to remember life's deeper meaning and mystery.

There is a yearning for something more, but with all the chaos it is easier to put it off. 

I hear you. I see you, and...thankfully, this is where Refuge Circles can step in. 

Women's Mental Health Support
About refuge Circles

A safe space to BE.

Refuge Circles offer a sanctuary from the chaos of self-sacrifice and the relentless pace of daily life.

Each circle is a community of wise women who are exploring their inner and outer world through art making and meditation practices. The content is carefully crafted and rooted in the world wisdom traditions. The circles are special places for you to discover your inherent wisdom, connect with others who have a similar longing, and learn practical ways to connect with Source energy. 


It is an invitation to experience a deeper sense of grounding, balance, and vibrancy that fits seamlessly into your busy schedule.

How It Works

Refuge Circles Online Emotional Support

Each circle is held virtually. This means you can come in really comfortable clothes. You will be joining 3 or 4 other women in real time. No recordings.

It is a meeting that happens live, online.

Refuge Circles Online Emotional Support

Bring your listening ears, non judgement, a willingness to share your experience, and a blank paper + any art supplies. You are also welcome to bring tea, a blanket... whatever you want for comfort.

Refuge Circles Online Emotional Support

Circles are short-term (6 weeks or less) + have NO HOMEWORK EVER.

Choose an upcoming circle from the choices above. If a time doesn't work, let me know. If I can, I will accommodate. 

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What to Expect

Each circle is bit different.

They may include a variety of: experiental learning, meditation, mindfulness exercises, intention setting, focused breathwork, and/or reflecting and offering our wisdom to each other. Read about each circle to find the one that is calling you.


They can be organic.

The format could changeto make room  for topics or activities as they arise. There will be a structure, but I may stray from it to prioritize authenticity and the needs of the participants.


Most circles will have an art making experience included.

The art is a unique way to process the happenings of the circle and to learn. You do not have to be an artist to participate.

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Choose a Circle

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Buddhist Inspired Meditation

Join our Buddhist-inspired meditation circle to explore foundational teachings and practices of Buddhism in a non-religious format. Perfect for anyone curious about integrating meditation and mindfulness into daily life, but want to go beyond self help. This meditation practice include's Buddha's original concepts.  It offers an introduction to Buddhist principles, group practice, and ongoing support to cultivate a sustainable meditation practice. Discover essential yet practical tools to be connected to Source enery and connect with a supportive, like minded community. 

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Art From the Heart

This circle ignites your imagination in the service of YOU! No art making experience needed. You will follow your intuition as you make marks and images on the page. Each meeting will have its own process-oriented approach. We may use guided imagery or follow a particular set of instructions. No matter what, this circle intends to reveal wise images that live inside you. All of them have a practical use that you can integrate in your day. What supportive imagery will you find?

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Painting from Source

This circle is more loose, open-ended than the other two. It puts you in touch with the creative void - where there are no restrictions, just flow. You learn to create from this place, not your mind. Because we all have been so conditioned to come from the mind, with our judgements, comparisons, desire for to look good, make meaning, etc,  there are general guidelines  to help you find + stay in your intuitive current. 

This is a 1.5 hr long circle, so you can immerse yourself deeply in process. You are painting, not 'painting a painting'. Many people are surprised to see what comes when all the conditioning is gone, and they are set free.

Rachel Hirning Refuge Circles

Hi, I’m Rachel, your guide for the Refuge Circles.

I graduated from Naropa University in 2005 with a dual Master’s degree, in both Transpersonal Counseling and Art Therapy.


I have always been a lover of the arts and psychology, and feel blessed that my profession, is a hybrid of the two. The word creativity is wide and expansive, and the metaphors inherent in the term, can be applied to any person, anytime, in any stage of development. Simply stated, we are all creating our own lives, ‘one stroke at a time’ much like a painting gets created, ‘one stroke at a time’. It is these small, but incremental and consistently made choices, that determine what our life looks like.


The metaphors in creativity, and the process of art making itself, ground the work I do. I am passionate about helping you discover and master your own creative spirit.

It all began, when...

A while back, I had a rare opportunity to travel to Japan. Have you been there? It is an amazing country, but so busy! So incredibly busy. Coming from a small town, I was not prepared for the visual assault of media and billboards, or the constant movement of the metro. There were thousands of people shifting non stop.


Miraculously, there are also hundreds of shrines and temples completely accessible to anyone, right smack in the middle of this chaos. Once your foot crosses over from the sidewalk into the temple, you are immersed in a state of calm, mystical, other-worldly space. It was quiet. It was respectful. It was slow. It gave you time to think about what was important.


I admired how easy it was to transition from this state of hurry to a state of slow-ness and meaning making.


I thought, 'how wonderful it would be to make this transition easy within'? How many times do I see the hurried, frenzied amazing woman who pours her heart and soul into others but ignores her own Self? To be honest, I've been there too. I think we all have, and we continue to be there despite our best efforts to do it different. There are so many demands.


I created Refuge Circles so you can take an easy step into your inner temple. So you can start to hear yourself think, remember what matters, and feel ready to manage this thing called life.

Refuge Circles Support Groups

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