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Rachel Hirning Refuge Circles Images (2000 x 1124 px).png

Circle Alignment

Below you'll find a description of each circle. If you want to join, click the button to fill out the alignment form to ensure this circle is the perfect fit for what you're seeking at this time. 

silouhette of woman meditating, colorful background.jpg

Buddhist Meditation  $285 

3-5 people
6 sessions 

Session 1: January 5 - February 9 
Sunday Evenings 6:30-7:30pm

Session 2: February 23 - March 30 

Sunday Mornings 10:00 am - 11:00 am 

Art From the Heart $285

3-5 people

6 sessions


Session 1: October 20 - November 24

Sundays  6:30-7:30pm

Session 2: January 5 - February 9 

Sundays  10:00 am to 11:00 am 

Session 3: February 23 - March 30  

Sundays  6:30-7:30pm

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This circle ignites your imagination in the service of YOU! No art making experience needed. You will follow your intuition as you make marks and images on the page. Each meeting will have its own process-oriented approach. We may use guided imagery or follow a particular set of instructions. No matter what, this circle intends to reveal wise images that live inside you. All of them have a practical use that you can integrate in your day. What supportive imagery will you find?

Number of Participants: minimum of 4 and maximum of 5. 

Art for healing 051.jpg

Art as Meditation  $425

5 people 

6 Sessions 

Session 1: September 14 - October 19

Saturdays 10:30 am to 12:30 pm 


Session 2: October 26 - November 30th

Saturdays 10:30 am to 12:30 pm 


Session 3: January 9 - March 2   

Saturdays 10:30 am to 12:30 pm

How it Works

How It Works

Refuge Circles Mental Health Support for Women

Each circle is held virtually on Zoom. This means you can come in your jammies. You will be joining 3 or 4 other women in real time. No recordings.

It is a meeting that happens live, online.

Refuge Circles Online Support Groups for Women

Bring your listening ears, non judgement, a willingness to share your experience, and a blank paper + any art supplies. You are also welcome to bring tea, a blanket... whatever you want for comfort.

Refuge Circles Self Care for Women

Circles are short-term (6 weeks or less) + have NO HOMEWORK EVER.

Choose an upcoming circle from the choices above, which are currently being offered at beta pricing.

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